As I AM: The Life and Times of DJ AM 2015

As I AM: The Life and Times of DJ AM 2015

As I AM: The Life and Times of DJ AM 2015

A review take a gander at the life and work of powerful electronic music DJ, Adam Goldstein, known as DJ AM.
AS I AM: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF DJ AM spreads the late, extraordinary concoction pioneer's whole life from seed to distress: his brilliant ascent to end up the initial million dollar DJ in the United States, and his extraordinarily storied individual life, also, which incorporates a long-running battle with habit, titanic endeavors to help other people in recuperation, tabloid sentiments with grouped models and performing artists, support manages Nike, Pepsi, T-Mobile and Activision, and making due, alongside Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker, a red hot plane crash somewhat less than a year prior to his disputable and inopportune demise in 2009.
The whole film group and DJ AM's family, specifically, are to a great degree appreciative for your endeavors to present to DJ AM's story to the screen and your dedication to keep his legacy alive.

In light of the crusade's prosperity (on account of you), Indiegogo's InDemand system will give us a chance to keep this page live for somewhat more. We will never again be effectively requesting gifts (you're most likely glad about that!), however in the event that somebody passed up a major opportunity and needs to add to the cause, or has an eye on a specific liven, a constrained measure of prizes will at present be accessible here, including spilling and downloads.
We can hardly wait for you to see the film!
